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Settings window


This document talks about settings window. There are some settings that aren't shown in settings window can be found here: configuration file.

Table of contents

  1. Tab General
  2. Tab Network
  3. Tab Youtube
  4. Tab Render
  5. Tab Video
  6. Tab Audio
  7. Tab Security
  8. Tab Display

Tab General


Tab general is where you can set:

Tab Network


Tab network is where you can set:

Tab Youtube


Tab youtube is where you can set:

Tab Render


In tab render there is only one setting: Frame rate. This is frame rate of 3d rendering process in program. Depending on your computer performance, you can set it as high as 60 or as low as 10. Default value is 30.

There are other settings which you can set by editting file letmkara.json in settings folder. See: configuration file.

Name Unit Description
OffscreenWebviewFrameRate frames per second Webview's rendering framerate. Lower to get better performance.Default is 30.
TextureWidth, TextureHeight pixel Size of 3d surface texture used in rendering. Lower to get better performance. Default is 1280x720. If set 0, program will get screen size as size.

Tab Video


Tab video is where you can set:

Tab Audio


Tab audio is where you set:

Tab Security


Tab security is where you can config how admin password and user permissions.

In this tab there are only a few permissions you can set. For more you can edit file methodPermission.json in settings folder. In this file, each action has a number. 0 - allow, 10 - only admin. Warning: backup file before edit.

Tab Display


Tab display for configuration display (monitor, screen)

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